Case Study

  • Case Study 1
  • Case Study 2
  • Case Study 3
  • Case Study 4
  • Case Study 5

Lily's Journey to Clear Communication

Lily's Journey to Clear Communication

Meet Lily : A 5-year-old girl who attended a regular school and was full of life. But Lily had a unique way of speaking - animated and lively, just like her spirit. However, her friends & family often struggled to understand her, which led to her speaking less & avoiding participation in class.

The Challenge : Lily's class teacher referred her for speech therapy. Informal assessment revealed she had difficulty pronouncing /s/,/z/,/sh/, and /ch/ which affected her clarity of speech . Based on the above a specific play way therapy program was designed for her.

The Transformation : Over 6-8 months of weekly therapy sessions, which included speech sound games, drills and speech sound correction techniques. Lily’s parents also actively participated & practiced speech sound drills at home. As a result, Lily could now pronounce all sounds correctly, and her newfound confidence allowed her to speak clearly & actively participate in class.

Mark's Journey to Confident Communication

Mark's Journey to Confident Communication

Meet Mark : A 14-year-old boy with a fast-paced, repetitive way of speaking and mild to moderate stammering. Anxiety while speaking made him want to rush through conversations.

The Challenge : Mark's clinical psychologist referred him for speech therapy. Informal assessment revealed his area of challenges were frequent repetition of words and phrases, hard attacks, extensive blinking while speaking and avoidance behaviour.

The Transformation : Over two years of therapy, including relaxation exercises, fluency-enhancing techniques, during reading and conversation, auditory feedback and counseling, Mark learned to manage his stammering and anxiety. Today, his confidence in communication has soared, & his fluency issues are greatly reduced.

James' Journey to a Healthy Voice

James' Journey to a Healthy Voice

Meet James : A 35-year-old man experiencing sudden hoarseness, minor nodules, and throat pain. ENT prescribed anti-allergens and antacids, and James was referred for speech therapy.

The Challenge : Sudden hoarseness and discomfort in the throat.

The Transformation : In just two months, James underwent therapy that included relaxation, breathing exercises, and vocal hygiene. By making lifestyle and dietary modifications and adhering to his therapy regime, James now enjoys a healthier voice.

Emma's Journey to Clear Speech and Swallowing

Emma's Journey to Clear Speech and Swallowing

Meet Emma : A 70-year-old lady with a history of diabetes. After a mild stroke, Emma faced muscle weakness on one side of her face, affecting her speech and eating abilities.

The Challenge : Muscle weakness, drooling, and difficulty eating.

The Transformation : Emma's 6-8-month therapy plan focused on oral motor exercises for strengthening facial muscles. Breathing exercises, compensatory techniques for improving clarity of speech, and counselling. Today, her facial muscle tone has improved significantly, allowing her to speak more clearly & enjoy her meals without difficulty.

Adam's Journey to Social Confidence

Adam's Journey to Social Confidence

Meet Adam : A 10-year-old boy with social communication deficits who struggled to make friends, initiate conversations, and manage personal space.

The Challenge : Social isolation, loud speech, and discomfort in social settings, poor conversational skills.

The Transformation : Over three years of therapy, Adam and his mother actively participated in social skill enhancement program designed to cater to his needs. Social skill Videos, social games, social stories, worksheets, & counseling played a crucial role in improving Adam's social skills Each social skill was worked upon and then it was generalized in other situations outside the therapy set up. Today, he is a confident child who engages in meaningful conversations, understands emotions, & respects personal space. His parents are delighted with his progress.

These case studies highlight the transformational journeys of individuals who have benefited from our speech therapy services. At Communicure, we are dedicated to helping people achieve their communication and social goals.

Disclaimer : The details of my client are kept discreet to avoid any impact to their personal esteem. These names are generic to hide personal identity of my client.